Rosé is amazing
The two English songs ranked #2 and #5 on Melon monthly chart
I understand why the haters are going crazy
[+64, -40]
1. [+20, -5] There's a reason why haters get mad
2. [+18, -6] Jennie's new song didn't even enter Melon at first, then it climbed back up but then fell off the chart right awayㅋㅋ She can't pretend to be the one top anymore
3. [+16, -4] I think if the song is good then everything will be fine
4. [+16, -4] I really like the song 'toxic'. I listened to all the songs in Rosé's album and bought the album. I've been listening to her songs all the time lately
5. [+15, -2] More than 80% of the antis are Jennie's fans ㅠ
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