Winter gained weight
aespa is currently on tour, Winter has gained weight and looks fresher and cuter, her body is firmer and her features are more beautiful, she looks healthy and bright, I wonder if it's because she suits America
[+42, -20]
1. [+48, -5] Honestly, girl groups need to gain weight
2. [+41, -4] It's not just me saying this, but both Jang Wonyoung and Winter look much prettier after gaining weight. I know they're still so skinny, but before that, they were both extremely skinny to the point that they were considered extremely skinny even in the idol world...
3. [+21, -3] Gaining weight makes her look healthier and better
4. [+9, -1] Skinny kids with small bones need to gain weight to look better
5. [+6, -1] Her body is so pretty. I'm jealous of her style because it suits her so well ă…śă…ś
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