The most trending fashion on Twitter (X) right now

The most trending fashion on Twitter (X) right now

This outfit was worn by a fashion YouTuber and became a hot topic after being quoted and retweeted more than 30,000 times.

(This is a Japanese brand, but it seems they've always been known for their revealing pants, so there are a lot of designs like this.)

What is this fashion......?

1. It is absolutely the worst

2. Looks like a beggar;;;;

3. Looks like someone is running out of a building because it's on fire while they're changing clothes????????????

4. This is not fashion, but simply an expression of Japan's uniquely dark and depraved nature

5. Does anyone buy something like that??

6. If you wear something like this in the street, I think you will be taken to the police station

7. If you saw someone wearing these clothes on the street, you would probably think he/she was mentally ill

8. I guess I don't really know about fashion

9. Looks like Jennie's outfit

10. Do they sell things like that? No, I don't understand

Original Post (1)